Welcome to this issue of the M&M Mag-Ezine!

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In this Thanksgiving issue:
Traditional Thanksgiving Menu
Thanksgiving Verses
Thanksgiving Poetry
Thanksgiving Gifts

Traditional Thanksgiving Menu

Why do we eat as we do on Thanksgiving day?

Take a look back at the Pilgrims and a present day snapshot of what types of foods will grace tables all around the nation on this day of Giving Thanks.

Traditional Thanksgiving Menu

Thanksgiving Verses

Here's a ready resource for verses that teach us about giving thanks to our Creator for his marvelous gifts.

Check it out here: Thanksgiving Verses

Thanksgiving Poetry

Read an old favorite and share your Thanksgiving poetry with us!

Thanksgiving Poetry

Thanksgiving Gifts

Who has heard of Thanksgiving gifts? It's a great time of year for gifts - here are some ideas for showing gratitude for that special person in your life.

Thanksgiving Gifts

Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone!

P.S.I'd love for you to Contact Me with any stories, songs, or humor you've collected or experienced from your family traditions surrounding Thanksgiving.

Until next time,


Why I Love SBI