1920s Music:
Pre-1900 Classics

This 4th category of 1920s music includes those songs composed prior to the year 1900, but popular in the 1920s. From 1870 on up to 1900, you're sure to recognize some of these enduring Americana tunes.

  • She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain - 1870
    (American folk, Old Railroad song)

  • I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen - 1876
    (American song, but about the Irish)

  • Carry Me Back To Old Virginny - 1878 (made popular)
    (American folk, written by a black man, James Bland.) Actually written in 1854, 10 years before the Emancipation Proclamation.

  • Oh, Dem Golden Slippers - 1879
    Minstrel song, composed by an American Negro

  • Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star - 1880
    (Popular In America) Originally comes from an old English poem in 1804, and the music was an old French folk song - when the poem and music were connected remains unknown.

  • I've Been Working On The Railroad - 1882
    (American Folk)

  • My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean - 1882
    (Originally a Scottish Folk Song)

  • There Is A Tavern In The Town - 1883
    (American Gang Song)

  • While Strolling Through The Park - 1884

  • Clementine - 1885
    (American Gang song about gold mining)

  • Love's Old Sweet Song - 1887
    (English-Irish Origin)

  • Oh Promise Me - 1890

  • After The Ball - 1892

  • When Johnny 'comes Marching Home - 1898
    Became a national hit song during the Spanish-American War. (Actually written in 1863, during the Civil War, but it was not popular until later)

  • Hello, Ma Baby - 1899
    (American - sung by Al Jolson and others)

  • On THe Banks Of The Wabash - 1899
    (American Song)

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