Hope For America
Final Installment of Freedom Essay

Is there indeed hope for America? Have we gone too far away from our roots to salvage our God-given right to freedom?

To read Part I and following of this vital essay, click here.

To read Crucial Question #1 and following of the Steps to Sanity, click HERE.

Where is the Path Back to Our Freedom and Stability As a Nation?
(Conservatism Vs. Liberalism)

d) Ronald Reagan showed us what the path should be. Yes, he was a convincing orator, but what he did to back up what he said was the key.

The Liberals have hated Reagan from the day he was born - and they have hated his policies, because they had begun to shrink the size of government, and to give the people what only Conservatism and Free-Enterprise could give.

The Liberals love big government, because it gives them power, they become IN CHARGE - the people are beholding to them and their precious Big Government, they are assured of continuance in office, etc.

What Freedom Really Is

e) There are other things I could say - - but the point is, do you understand what freedom really is?

It is a GOD-GIVEN RIGHT, that can only operate with laws that give that same right to everyone. Government must operate also on a principle of Freedom - smaller government, lower taxes, encouragement to business, especially small business, limited government function, strict adherence to the principles of our Founding Fathers, and Conservatism to keep this nation free.

If our government operates on a freedom basis, then our people will be free also.

When should we, the people, begin this great system?

Why not today?

---------- written by William W. Figley, World War II Navy Veteran, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and lover of the United States of America

May God once again Bless America!

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Go from Hope For America to Freedom Essay Part I

Faith of Our Founding Fathers Part II

Government Out of Control? Part III

Steps to Sanity Part IV

2012 Presidential Election Part V

United States Presidential Election Part VI

American Tax Funding Part VII

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